Breaking the silence associated with domestic violence — and giving a voice to its victims — is one of the major goals of Connections for Abused Women and their Children (CAWC), a 30-year Chicago organization committed to ending the crime.
It’s why “Sounds of Silence” was chosen as the theme for CAWC’s 25th Annual Spring Gala Saturday night at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
The shame and guilt associated with being a victim are the top contributors to the silence, according to Stephanie Love-Patterson, associate director of CAWC. The organization offers: a 24-hour hotline; Greenhouse Shelter, a shelter for battered women; an outreach services program for the Humboldt Park area; a Hospital Crisis Intervention Project at Stroger Hospital, and domestic violence education at Haymarket Center, the third largest center in Illinois for alcohol and substance addictions.
Read the rest of the article HERE.
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
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