I am sorry that the wonderful career of a living legend like Joe Paterno has come to an abrupt end. It sure would have been nice to see him leave coaching on his terms.
However, in light of the information coming out of the grand jury investigation, I have to ask myself why this legend did not do more? As a father of 3 boys, I can't understand why Joepa (as he is affectionately called) did not follow up with the authorities or do more to "press" the issue with his superiors?
This whole controversy has been shockingly horrible and one can only imagine what these poor children went through. If you have not had a chance to read the grand jury report, I have provided a copy of it below for you.
The details in this report are graphic and highly disturbing, but it will present a better picture of what occurred and help you decide if enough was done.
It is my opinion that the board acted properly by firing Coach Paterno and the president and it is my hope that in time, the university will recover from this terrible tragedy.
Meanwhile, my heart and thoughts are with the innocent children, victims of such terrible abuse! My prayers are with them and their family's as they try to recover from this horrible ordeal.
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
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