Random Acts Of Kindness
The Parents Council weighs in during Back To School Week about a very touchy subject: bullying.
With the 2011-12 school year about to start, this week’s Parents Council discussion was inspired by the following, very timely post we’ve seen going around Facebook:
“Special request to all you kids returning to school in the next few days: If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because he/she doesn't have many friends or because they are shy or not as pretty or not dressed in the most "in" clothes -- PLEASE step up. Say hi or smile at them in the hallway. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school. Your kindness might just make a BIG difference in someone's life! Deserves 2B Reposted”
This is a simple and great message for kids, parents and frankly, everyone to heed. Sometimes we are all too quick to judge someone based on how they look, what they wear, how they talk or who they hang with. But if you think about it, our initial perceptions are really just an external snap shot of that individual’s life and their representation of what they might be experiencing at that moment in time.
Back in March of this year, the Parents Council discussed bullying and what our role as parents might be in solving this increasingly pervasive school based issue these days. We quoted research, talked about interventions, suggested task forces and even how our kids might be modeling our own seemingly harmful behaviors. But the Facebook message really brought things back to basics and simplified the issue for us by almost equating positive behavior to something like preventive medicine.
You can read the rest of the article HERE.
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
The Parents Council weighs in during Back To School Week about a very touchy subject: bullying.
With the 2011-12 school year about to start, this week’s Parents Council discussion was inspired by the following, very timely post we’ve seen going around Facebook:
“Special request to all you kids returning to school in the next few days: If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because he/she doesn't have many friends or because they are shy or not as pretty or not dressed in the most "in" clothes -- PLEASE step up. Say hi or smile at them in the hallway. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school. Your kindness might just make a BIG difference in someone's life! Deserves 2B Reposted”
This is a simple and great message for kids, parents and frankly, everyone to heed. Sometimes we are all too quick to judge someone based on how they look, what they wear, how they talk or who they hang with. But if you think about it, our initial perceptions are really just an external snap shot of that individual’s life and their representation of what they might be experiencing at that moment in time.
Back in March of this year, the Parents Council discussed bullying and what our role as parents might be in solving this increasingly pervasive school based issue these days. We quoted research, talked about interventions, suggested task forces and even how our kids might be modeling our own seemingly harmful behaviors. But the Facebook message really brought things back to basics and simplified the issue for us by almost equating positive behavior to something like preventive medicine.
You can read the rest of the article HERE.
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
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