For those of you that might have missed it, Dr. Phil had a special on domestic violence this past week. It was sickening. Several ladies were featured who were dealing with ex-husbands/boy friends that were physically and mentally torturing them. We all know domestic violence is happening, but when you personalize it and see the effects of an abusive situation, it's really frightening AND maddening.
Have I been sitting on the sidelines doing nothing? Heck no!
I have raised money for one of the big domestic shelters in Columbia and I have taught free self defense workshops for the volunteers of this shelter, as well as several of their clients. I did quite a bit of research online, to better understand this topic and include domestic violence facts and statistics in my free quarterly self defense workshops where the community is invited.
South Carolina is ranked 6th in the nation in domestic violence and 10th in domestic violence murders! It's very relevant to the work I do in my community AND more than likely, it's very relevant to the work YOU do!
I just created a free resource that includes resources on domestic violence, bullying, stranger danger, etc. You can take a peek at it HERE.
Now, the real work is to figure out a way to incorporate domestic violence into my INTELLIGENT CURRICULUM.
Long term domestic violence: Being abused in this manner is like being kidnapped and tortured for ransom but you will never have enough to pay off the kidnapper. by Rebecca J. Burns
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
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