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Dietary Self Defense -- Includes The Humane Treatment of Animals

What does dietary self defense have to do with karate?

Well, everything!

If you attend any of my self defense workshops, you know one of the things I preach about self defense, is having a fit body, that relies on healthy food to fuel it. While it certainly would be nice for everyone to be "model" thin, the reality is we are not, but that doesn't mean we can't work on our fitness and be conscious of what we eat.

As per of my instructor training with the UBBT, dietary self defense is a big part of our test. And not just the types of food we eat, but where it comes from and how it is produced.

Like many of you, I never really gave much thought to where our food came from; I just bought my groceries at the local supermarket like everyone else. But, because of my UBBT training, I have started to take a serious look at our food supply and I am not liking what I see.

For example, here is a video from the Humane Society that calls attention to how pigs are raised at one of the nations biggest pig farms.

Take a look.

I am very disturbed to see this kind of treatment to pigs. While I understand, they are raised for slaughter and they serve a purpose in life as part of our food supply, I think we need to honor these animals and show them the respect they deserve!

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio


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