I recently read an excellent book called the Last Child In The Woods , authored by Richard Louv. It is a scholarly written book and discusses how we are raising a generation of children who spend little to no time in the woods, thus suffering from what Mr. Louv describes as a "nature deficit disorder" . Listen to this short video in which Mr. Louv shares his findings: I think back to my own youth, remembering the 1,000's of hours spent exploring in the woods, climbing trees, looking for insects, playing in streams, getting muddy and wet and getting lots of healthy exercise. Fast forward 30 years -- and today's kids spend nearly all of their time indoors -- some because of over-anxious parents worried their child will be abducted, and others, simply because children have video games, DVD movies, and that "drug with a plug" called the television. We are raising a generation of "couch potatoes"! At Samurai Karate Studio , we have incorporated enviro...