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Kindness is the Ultimate Form of Self Defense!

As a member of the UBBT and the 100, one of the things our team coach, mentor and friend, Tom Callos, has taught us, is that the martial art's means more than just kicking and punching.  

Okay, I know what you are thinking!

I practice karate and bujutsu with the intention of taking down my attacker in quick successive movements that will disable, possibly injure.  However, the reality is, we train, so that we NEVER have to use our martial arts.

In this world where bullying has become common place, with young desparate children taking their lives out of fear and pain, I think the time is NOW to do something about it.




Think about it

If we treated each other with kindness and respect, there would be less conflict!


Imagine, our politicians in Washington, treating each other with civility, respect and yes, even kindness, our country would probably be in a better place.


What if we all agreed to perform 3 acts of kindness a day.....that would be a 1,000 acts of kindness for the year.  Multiply that by your family, your work place, your neighborhood, your community, your town......

You get the picture!

The world would be in a different place.


It all starts with YOU!

Start today!  

Lead the way and watch the ripple effect when you do something kind for someone.  Ask them to pay it forward!

How cool would that be?


Sensei Chris Feldt

Samurai Karate Studio

Columbia, SC  29229



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